Friday, June 11, 2010

Big Blue Sky: Six

“There’s a connection, Caspar?”
Asgari was clearly in turmoil. In his long and varied career at Bethesda he had never come across anything so explosive. The dimension ran the gamut from the political to the legal, and into darker place beyond the law. It sent a shiver down his spine, and caused him to think odd and unnatural thoughts, not the least of which was who to trust and who posed a threat. Even with Molly that danger gave him pause, calling briefly into question the motives of a dear friend.
“I think they are related somehow,” he finally said.
She looked up sharply, searching his eyes and finding a growing terror there. It was enough to shake her world, like someone feeling the world tremble beneath their feet for the very first time.
“Do you know what you are saying?”
Caspar shook his head and took a deep breath. “I think this is very dangerous information to have, Molly.”
“I think we should make this official.”
“I don’t think that would be a good idea.”
She looked again at the X-rays, as if there was a chance Asgari could have been mistaken. He was far too thorough, and even she could see the evidence plainly. But who? And why?
“Have you told anyone about this?” she asked.
“Seriously?” he scoffed.
Molly thought again, turning to look again at Bernstein’s body. She looked one last time at the Xrays and then to the Doctor.
“And nothing about what you’ve found in the notes or your report?” she asked.
“Only preliminaries, and that it appeared to be an aneurism.”
“Can we leave it as inconclusive a bit longer.”
Caspar’s lip quivered slightly, an indication of terror, but also a growing impotent rage. “A part of me would leave this be for good and forget any of this.”
“Let me get some perspective.” Molly touched his cheek and managed smile. “We’ll figure this out.”
“I hope,” he said, unconvinced. “I think this is only just beginning.”

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