Monday, May 24, 2010

Angry Jasper: Forty-two

Maury beamed. Normally it might have ticked him off to be interrupted as he knocked one off in front of the entire Universe. The Identicals arrived with the news just as his man-goo corrupted the finely polished glass of his office. With a mighty groan the milky droplets joined the myriad expanse of the galaxy, before oozing to the floor. He turned, still holding himself with thumb and fore-finger and sneered at the Identicals.

“Better be figgin' important!”

In unison the Identicals swallowed hard, pushed the eyeglasses against their nose and nodded.

“We have received coordinates for the rebel stronghold, and the location of Thomas,” said the first.

There is other news that will please your Excellency,” said the other.

Maury's hairy flab glistened with a fine sweat from his exertion. He covered himself with a towel and turned back to the Milky Way. He waved his hand in the air impatiently.

“Well, out with it!”

The weapon will be ready to fire much sooner than expected,” said the other Identical.

More turned. His expression was animated and thrilled even more so than during his orgasm. He was like a cruel little child delighting in the sadistic butchery of an innocent kitten. The towel slipped away. He hardly seemed to notice.

“well, why didn't you say so?”

Fire control estimates two hours, said the first. “Our spy in the rebel headquarters is requesting to be evacuated as soon as possible.

“He is awaiting a secret transmission,” said the second identical. “He can be to the surface in one hour. Shall I tell him to proceed, Excellency?”

“Send the following transmission,” Maury turned away, clasping his chubby little hands behind his back. “Your heroism and ultimate sacrifice for Corporation is well noted.”

“That's it?” asked the Identicals in unison, stunned at Maury's utter disregard for one of his finest and most loyal men.

“Send it or don't send it,” Maury snapped. “I don't give a damn one way or the other. What I do care about it that weapon working and the destruction of the rebellion. As for our asset on the planet...he was dead the moment he landed on the planet.”

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